Monday, February 24, 2020

Miraculous Testimony: Man Flat-Lined After Heart Attack And Met Jesus

Seth Cowan's Testimony: "I Died Of A Massive Heart Attack And Met Jesus Christ In Heaven"

In the video found under this synopsis, Seth Cowan shares his dramatic testimony about having a "widow-maker" heart-attack that kills 9 out of 10 people who have one.

Seth was one of the fortunate 10 percent who survive — and he testifies that through this harrowing Near Death Experience (NDE) he was given a glimpse of heaven — and more importantly — he had a life changing encounter with Jesus Christ.

Seth's Heart-Attack

Seth Cowan - Screen Capture From The Video Below

Seth relates that when he was having his heart-attack he began reaching out to people — but no one would help him.  Some told him he was "too young to have a heart-attack" while others thought he was just joking.  One man he called for help even hung up on him.

Foreshadowing what he now believes was God's hand, he says, "'Something' got me out of that house when I was so weak I couldn't even dress myself — I was so weak I couldn't even walk."

Everything is vague in his memory during that time and so he "doesn't really remember dialing 911 or getting down the stairs," but he found himself sitting there in a pair of boxers and a tank-top — and though he doesn't know how it happened, at some point along the way he had torn off a fingernail.

He remembers an ambulance arriving, and his second (supernatural) experience happened with an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) who the Seth declares is "touched by God — a paramedic who is meant to be helping people."

Getting emotional, Seth relates that the paramedic calmed him down during the middle of his "horrible heart-attack," and thanks both the ambulance driver and the EMT.

Seth Flat-Lines After His Massive Heart Attack

But Seth also declares, "I died in the ambulance. I passed away, flat-lined and saw a white light."

Wiping tears from his eyes, he says that when he knew he was dying he was scared — but when he saw the white light "everything went away and he felt better" and he felt calm and relaxed.

Calling the light a "veil," Seth says it was very bright, "like a shop light but a 100 times brighter" — although he could look right into it and it didn't hurt his eyes.

The veil kept him from entering the other side, and while he didn't hear any voices or see anyone, he could feel their presence — and he experienced an instant "download" of information allowing to understand and know certain things.

He suddenly understood that everyone he knew and loved who had passed away was there — even his pet dog, Blue, who had died just weeks earlier.

Seth Meets Jesus During His Near Death Experience

Best of all, Seth felt the presence of Jesus Christ and knew Jesus was the "absolute BEST FRIEND that he had ever met."

He felt complete peace and wanted to stay there — (and who could blame him) — and remembers trying to make a case for being allowed to stay.

Seth's Life Is Forever Changed After Meeting Jesus During NDE

Psalm 35:28

As Seth was pleading with Jesus about staying, he started coming back into his body and heard the first audible words being spoken to him: "No — not yet."

Seth says those three simple words have changed his life.

Before this experience, he used to write music about pot and sex, and hanging out with friends and getting drunk — but now declares he lives in a "different fashion."

His new mission is to write Christian music for God, give his testimony about his experience, and tell everyone that "Jesus Christ is real."

Seth ends his testimony by saying:

"When you realize Jesus is real, you'll realize He died for us.  What kind of crazy, gutsy person goes out on a limb for a bunch of people he doesn't even know?  Jesus Christ did!

Why can't we give thanks to who created us — who actually died for us in a torturous way?  

We don't have the capacity to love like that. 

Only Jesus Christ did!

Seth Cowan
 That's why this is my job to testify for Jesus — to testify on behalf of my friend Jesus — to testify on behalf of my Lord and Savior Jesus — and to play music and shout praises to Him in a positive way.

So, I just want to tell everyone I love you.  

And Jesus Christ, I just want to say thank you.  

Thanks for listening.  God bless you."

John 1:1-4


Seth's music video for his song I Got A Feeling is included under his testimony.


Learn How To Begin Your New Life With Jesus Below 

I Got A Feeling - Seth Cowan - Music Video


Thanks for stopping by—
May God Richly Bless you!

Jesus is LORD!

Time is growing short!

Seek Him!


You Can Begin Your New Life With Jesus Right This Moment!

   Romans 10:9-10

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 


If you've made this decision—believed it in your heart and confessed it with your mouth—let God speak to you by reading the Bible—and seek out fellowship with others who also believe.

Pour out your heart to God in Prayer (simply speaking to Him in reverence)—asking Him to reveal Himself to you and to provide for your needs.

Life in Jesus is the best decision you will ever make.

God Bless You!

Luke 12:1-9

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