Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Forbidden Chapter—Isaiah 53

From the YouTube Description for the video found below:

"Did you know that Isaiah 53 is a FORBIDDEN CHAPTER in most synagogues? 

We read this powerful prophecy with Israelis on the streets. See how deeply they were moved as they came face to face with their Messiah!

This video has reached over 8 million views in various languages. Please like, share, and spread the message!

God is opening the eyes of the Jewish people to their Messiah more than any time in 2,000 years!

To find out more, support, and get our newsletter with inspiring stories, please visit:"


You'll find a text image of the entire chapter of Isaiah 53 just under the video


Video summary:

In the video, a likeable and friendly young interviewer asks Israelis to to read a prophecy regarding the Messiah from Isaiah 53 in the Tanakh < The Hebrew Bible or to Christians, the Old Testament). 

Isaiah 53 describes a man who has no beauty that would make him desirable, and that he would be despised and rejected by men.

Still this man would bear our grief, he would be stricken and afflicted and wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities — and that by his stripes <blows that cut in) we would be healed — and the Lord would lay on him our iniquities.

Further, Isaiah 53 says that he would be oppressed and afflicted — and he would not open his mouth but would be like a lamb led to slaughter — and that ultimately he would die and counted as wicked though he had "done no violence, nor was there any deceit in his mouth."

Still it pleased the Lord to do this and make his soul an offering for sin — and that through his labor and sacrifice this righteous Servant will justify many.

Then the interviewer talks about all of us being separated from a Holy God by all of our selfishness, pride, and sin, and because of that we all need forgiveness and atonement from God.

Each person interviewed agree they want and need that.

Then the interviewer shares the good news — that God does indeed loves us and doesn't want us to be eternally separated from him, and originally He gave the sacrificial system of the Torah — which took on itself the sins of the people.

That system was prophesied to end however, and instead God would send a beautiful and perfect Messiah who would take on himself all our sin — offering us redemption and forgiveness through his willing sacrifice when we accept Him and His Grace.

The young interviewer shows the Tanakh gave many other prophesies that needed to be fulfilled by the Messiah, indicating to us who he is so that we could identify him.

As he shares some of those prophecies he asks the interviewees if there is anyone in history they can think of who fulfilled all of them.

Ultimately it is revealed in the video that only one person in all of history can make that claim.

It is wonderful to see many of them appear to grasp what Isaiah 53 told us about who the Messiah is.

Learn who He is below. *


The video is wonderfully done—and reveals God's love for us—and the final atoning sacrifice made by His Perfect Messiah!

Isaiah 53

* Yeshua is a Hebrew name meaning "to save/deliver" — and it is translated into Jesus in English.

Yeshua/Jesus fulfilled every prophecy declared by the ancient Hebrew Scriptures about who the Messiah would be.

He is coming again soon in great power and authority — and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus IS LORD!

Philippians 2 :9-11


Thanks for stopping by—
May God Richly Bless you!

Jesus is LORD!

Time is growing short!

Seek Him!


   Romans 10:9-10

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 


If you've made this decision—believed it in your heart and confessed it with your mouth—let God speak to you by reading the Bible—and seek out fellowship with others who also believe.

Pour out your heart to God in Prayer (simply speaking to Him in reverence)—asking Him to reveal Himself to you and to provide for your needs.

Life in Jesus is the best decision you will ever make.

God Bless You!


John 1:10-14

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