Monday, June 26, 2017

Alice Cooper Testimony: The World Belongs to Satan

Video Embedded Below Commentary



When a dear aunt of mine died a number of years ago—I spoke to the Pastor who officiated her funeral at her graveside.

She had led him to Jesus when he was a young teen—and he said that he had never struggled with the battle between serving the Lord or the world.

At that time I was a musician living in California chasing after what many (most) young musicians want: adoring fans, women, fame, money..................

Interestingly—my aunt had also led me in my first "sinners prayer" when I was very young (eight or so) and I still had an anchor in my heart from that real confession and belief—but the lure of the world and the constant bombardment by it's entertainment, culture and values had done its work on me—and I was eager to "make it" in music and lay hold of its promises.

I could also add that even though I went to church as a kid and grew up in a "Christian" home—there was a lot of legalism and not enough love there—and ZERO positive Christian male influence in my life.

So in some ways I was ripe for the world to pick me off.

Though I discovered after years of chasing after the empty promises the world made—that God had been whispering to me in that sweet small voice—constantly calling to me to return.


When I saw the video below—I thought about my own experience.

And while it might be easier to dismiss my testimony—hearing it from someone like rock star Alice Cooper—who was rewarded with EVERYTHING the world promises will make us happy—and his discovery that it did not bring him ANY happiness—may carry more weight. *

Alice Cooper’s 1975 Album “Welcome To My Nightmare”  In the video Alice says:    I was the REAL prodigal son—The Lord allowed me to do EVERYTHING—but he brought me back to where I belong.  You realize that after you’ve had EVERY car and every house— materialism is NOT the answer.  There’s a big God shaped hole in your heart!

In the video—Alice Cooper also makes a clear statement about his faith in Jesus as Lord.

If you've been lured away from your faith by the "dreams" of this world—or if you've never made a decision about accepting Jesus as Lord—I highly recommend watching the video and allowing God to speak into your heart.

Coming to Jesus will be the BEST decision you ever make!

It has been for me!

* I have not seen any concerts by Alice Cooper—and do not know if I would agree with what he performs today—so this is not an endorsement of him—but is presented only to share what he said in this interview.


Thanks so much for stopping by!

May God Richly Bless you! 

Jesus is LORD!

Seek Him!


9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

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